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Summer, sun, sun protection: the guide to healthy skin in summer.

Summer is finally here, and with it the long-awaited rays of sunshine that lift our spirits and entice us outside. Whether on the beach, in the park or in the garden - the warm season invites us to enjoy nature to the full. As much as we love the sun, we shouldn't forget how important it is to look after our skin properly. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about effective sun protection and intensive after sun care. So you can enjoy a carefree summer!

3 minutes reading time

Sun protection is essential!

A hot summer's day should start with sufficient sun cream. Use a sun cream with an appropriate sun protection factor, e.g. bioemsan sun cream, which not only provides reliable protection against harmful UV rays, but is also safe for water.

Comprehensive protection goes far beyond simply applying sun cream. Loose clothing made from lightweight, breathable or special UV-protective fabrics are ideal for long days in the sun. A wide-brimmed sun hat with a loose-fitting linen outfit not only protects you, but also gives you a stylish summer look; a win-win!

A hot summer's day should start with sufficient sun cream. Use a sun cream with an appropriate sun protection factor, e.g. bioemsan sun cream, which not only provides reliable protection against harmful UV rays, but is also safe for water.

Comprehensive protection goes far beyond simply applying sun cream. Loose clothing made from lightweight, breathable or special UV-protective fabrics are ideal for long days in the sun. A wide-brimmed sun hat with a loose-fitting linen outfit not only protects you, but also gives you a stylish summer look; a win-win!

Ensure good supply

In addition to external protection through clothing and sun cream, it is equally important to support the body from the inside out. Drinking enough fluids is crucial to keep the skin hydrated and healthy, especially on hot summer days. Water is the best choice, but unsweetened teas and fruit spritzers can also contribute to hydration. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol as they can further dehydrate the body. Supplement your fluid intake with light, refreshing foods such as salads, fruit and vegetables. These foods not only provide important nutrients and vitamins, but also help to regulate your fluid balance. Watermelon, cucumber and berries are excellent snacks that cool and refresh the body.

Pamper your body after sunbathing

After a long day in the sun, the skin needs special attention to regenerate and rebalance itself. Start with a temperature-controlled shower to rinse off sun cream, salt or chlorinated water and sweat. Use mild, moisturising shower gels (e.g. from bioemsan) that do not additionally dry out the skin. Afterwards, it is important to moisturise the body with sufficient care products. Make sure you choose products that do not contain irritating ingredients such as alcohol. bioemsan sun care oil is suitable for all skin types, soothes and cares for the skin after a long day in the sun. The plant-based ingredients promote melanin production and thus ensure a naturally beautiful tan.


SOS tips for sunburn: quick help for stressed skin

Despite all precautions, it can sometimes happen: a painful sunburn. It is important to act quickly and correctly to soothe the skin and support the healing process.
- A cool shower draws the heat out of the skin and can provide initial relief.
- Compresses made from room-temperature curd cheese (wrapped in a cloth) work wonders: they cool and have a nourishing effect.
- Lavender essential oil has a balancing, calming and relaxing effect on the skin. Add the intensive essential oil to a carrier oil, e.g. almond or olive oil (5 drops per 100 ml of oil are sufficient) and treat the affected areas of skin.
- To avoid further skin damage, avoid further exposure to the sun at all costs.

The little ABC of sun protection

As much as we love the sun, we shouldn't forget how important it is to look after our skin properly. What's important here?


The sun protection factor always only indicates the protection for UVB radiation. If there is also a UVA symbol on the packaging, the protection for UVA must be at least one third of the stated sun protection factor. UVB radiation causes sunburn, UVA radiation causes premature skin ageing. Both are responsible for long-term skin damage and skin cancer.

The sun protection factor always only indicates the protection for UVB radiation. If there is also a UVA symbol on the packaging, the protection for UVA must be at least one third of the stated sun protection factor. UVB radiation causes sunburn, UVA radiation causes premature skin ageing. Both are responsible for long-term skin damage and skin cancer.

Mineral vs. chemical filter

There are organic (often referred to as ‘chemical’) and inorganic (also known as mineral) filters. The former penetrate the upper layer of the skin and convert UV radiation into infrared radiation (heat). Inorganic filters contain mineral particles such as titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide - they protect the skin by reflecting UV radiation. This can cause the skin to whiten slightly, depending on your own tan. The smaller the particles (nano), the less the whitening effect. bioemsam sun creams only contain zinc oxide non nano, as this mineral sun protection is considered to be particularly safe.

There are organic (often referred to as ‘chemical’) and inorganic (also known as mineral) filters. The former penetrate the upper layer of the skin and convert UV radiation into infrared radiation (heat). Inorganic filters contain mineral particles such as titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide - they protect the skin by reflecting UV radiation. This can cause the skin to whiten slightly, depending on your own tan. The smaller the particles (nano), the less the whitening effect. bioemsam sun creams only contain zinc oxide non nano, as this mineral sun protection is considered to be particularly safe.

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