Effective microorganisms to regulate the natural balance of natural and foil ponds
Reduces algae growth
Improves the water quality
Breaks down sludge
Promotes the ability to regenerate
Improves visibility in the pond
Promotes the growth of aquatic plants
Organic product
Foil ponds under 40 m2 and biotopes: 1 litre of Pond Clear per 1,000 litres of pond water.
Foil ponds over 40 m2: 1 litre of Pond Clear per 10,000 litres of pond water.
TIP: For best results, we recommend using Pond Clear in combination with EM Ceramic Powder and ZeoBas ultrafine. Mix ZeoBas ultrafine with Pond Clear and apply using a watering can, especially in the planting and edge zones of the water.