Effective Microorganisms (EM) are liquid mixed microbial cultures consisting of bacteria and yeasts, and the term “Effective Microorganisms” is now used by many manufacturers for a wide variety of products without testing their exact mode of action. At Multikraft, quality is our top priority. This is why our Effective Microorganisms are the result of extensive research carried out in our own laboratory and by external research partners, as well as strict quality testing and assurance. Our products are tested and adapted to a wide range of applications.
Effective Microorganisms (EM) are liquid mixed microbial cultures consisting of bacteria and yeasts, and the term “Effective Microorganisms” is now used by many manufacturers for a wide variety of products without testing their exact mode of action. At Multikraft, quality is our top priority. This is why our Effective Microorganisms are the result of extensive research carried out in our own laboratory and by external research partners, as well as strict quality testing and assurance. Our products are tested and adapted to a wide range of applications.
Effective microorganisms (EM) promote beneficial microbes and suppress undesirable ones. In this way, they support the ecological balance and counteract the spread of harmful microorganisms. They contribute to the health of the environment by allowing beneficial microbes to dominate and reducing putrefaction processes.
[Microorganisms]: Microscopically small, primarily unicellular organisms that colonize all surfaces and habitats.
Effective microorganisms (EM) promote beneficial microbes and suppress undesirable ones. In this way, they support the ecological balance and counteract the spread of harmful microorganisms. They contribute to the health of the environment by allowing beneficial microbes to dominate and reducing putrefaction processes.
[Microorganisms]: Microscopically small, primarily unicellular organisms that colonize all surfaces and habitats.
Effective microorganisms contribute to the development and maintenance of a healthy microbiome.
They help to suppress pathogenic germs and promote a healthy environment for people and nature.
Effective microorganisms accelerate the decomposition of biowaste and thus prevent putrefaction processes.
Effective Microorganisms (EM) in the garden create a healthy environment in the soil and on the surface of leaves. The plants grow stronger and germination, flowering, fruiting, ripening and yield quality are all improved.
The benefits of Effective Microorganisms in the garden and for plant care:
Used as a pond treatment, Effective Microorganisms promote an ecological balance and encourage plant growth, which reduces the formation of algae.
The benefits of Effective Microorganisms in pond care:
Effective Microorganisms can be used for a variety of purposes throughout the home, not only in the garden and for plant care. Their basic property of supporting positive bacteria and suppressing rotting processes has specific benefits, particularly with regard to cleaning, the indoor climate and the disposal of kitchen waste.
The benefits of Effective Microorganisms in the home include:
Fermentation is a biotechnological process that describes the degradation and conversion of organic substances with the help of bacteria, fungi or cell cultures.
People have been using fermentation processes for thousands of years, primarily to preserve and refine food: Bread, dairy products such as cheese or yoghurt, but also the production of alcohol or sauerkraut would not be possible without fermentation using bacterial or fungal cultures.
Fermentation processes form the basis of our product development. This natural method involves processing various raw materials such as sugar cane molasses, herbs and plant extracts. This process leads to the formation of enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants in our Multikraft products. These valuable ingredients stimulate regenerative processes and thus support the health of plants, animals and humans. They also contribute to a positive environmental impact.
Fermentation is a biotechnological process that describes the degradation and conversion of organic substances with the help of bacteria, fungi or cell cultures.
People have been using fermentation processes for thousands of years, primarily to preserve and refine food: Bread, dairy products such as cheese or yoghurt, but also the production of alcohol or sauerkraut would not be possible without fermentation using bacterial or fungal cultures.
Fermentation processes form the basis of our product development. This natural method involves processing various raw materials such as sugar cane molasses, herbs and plant extracts. This process leads to the formation of enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants in our Multikraft products. These valuable ingredients stimulate regenerative processes and thus support the health of plants, animals and humans. They also contribute to a positive environmental impact.
In contrast to oxidation, which can lead to an increase in free radicals that are harmful to the respective environment, antioxidation prevents the combination of substances with oxygen by donating electrons and even reverses this process.
Effective microorganisms produce antioxidants in large quantities. These consist primarily of polysaccharides, chelated minerals with catalytic activity, and small amounts of vitamins C and E as well as trace elements.
Effective Microorganisms can be summarised under the regenerative type. They can directly and indirectly prevent decay in all substances and thus keep living things and the environment healthy.
The degenerative type of microorganism behaves in exactly the opposite way to the regenerative type.
The neutral microorganisms form the largest group and follow the so-called dominance principle of the group that is predominant in a system.
So if we create an environment in which regenerative microorganisms predominate, the neutral microorganisms follow the build-up process and degradative or putrefactive processes are prevented. The use of Effective Microorganisms therefore opens up completely new dimensions in many areas of life.
Effective Microorganisms are mixed cultures of microbes consisting primarily of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and photosynthesis bacteria. Many of the microorganisms in these cultures are used to produce and extend the shelf life of foods and are beneficial for plants, people, animals and the environment.
Under anaerobic conditions, lactic acid bacteria promote the rapid decomposition of organic material and produce lactic acid in fermentation processes. This has a preserving effect. It creates an environment where pathogens cannot develop and also forms enzymes and other valuable substances such as antioxidants and vitamins. These have a positive effect on the health of plants, animals and people.
Under anaerobic conditions, lactic acid bacteria promote the rapid decomposition of organic material and produce lactic acid in fermentation processes. This has a preserving effect. It creates an environment where pathogens cannot develop and also forms enzymes and other valuable substances such as antioxidants and vitamins. These have a positive effect on the health of plants, animals and people.
Photosynthesis bacteria are among the earliest organisms to colonise the Earth. They come from an era in the Earth’s history when conditions were hostile to life. At the time, the atmosphere contained ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and other harmful compounds. In order to survive, the bacteria developed the ability to neutralise toxins with the help of enzymes and to break down the metabolites from rotting processes and convert them into regenerative substances.
The interaction of all the cultures in Effective Microorganisms allows degenerative processes such as rotting to be transformed into positive, constructive and life-enhancing processes.
Photosynthesis bacteria are among the earliest organisms to colonise the Earth. They come from an era in the Earth’s history when conditions were hostile to life. At the time, the atmosphere contained ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and other harmful compounds. In order to survive, the bacteria developed the ability to neutralise toxins with the help of enzymes and to break down the metabolites from rotting processes and convert them into regenerative substances.
The interaction of all the cultures in Effective Microorganisms allows degenerative processes such as rotting to be transformed into positive, constructive and life-enhancing processes.
Yeasts are single-celled fungi that are able to perform two different types of metabolic processes: fermentation and respiration. In the presence of oxygen, carbon compounds are broken down and carbon dioxide is produced, whereas in anaerobic conditions, carbohydrates are fermented to form alcohol. Yeasts have been used by people for millennia to make bread and alcohol. In Effective Microorganisms, they maintain the balance of the mixed culture of microbes and form an important supply of energy for other microorganisms.
Yeasts are single-celled fungi that are able to perform two different types of metabolic processes: fermentation and respiration. In the presence of oxygen, carbon compounds are broken down and carbon dioxide is produced, whereas in anaerobic conditions, carbohydrates are fermented to form alcohol. Yeasts have been used by people for millennia to make bread and alcohol. In Effective Microorganisms, they maintain the balance of the mixed culture of microbes and form an important supply of energy for other microorganisms.
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