With a few simple recycled materials and a little creativity, you can easily create a cress garden on your windowsill. We'll show you how!
Build your own cress garden out of recycled materials! With wooden sticks, a milk carton and cress seeds, you can quickly create a fresh bed for your windowsill. Get inspired and get creative!
Build your own cress garden out of recycled materials! With wooden sticks, a milk carton and cress seeds, you can quickly create a fresh bed for your windowsill. Get inspired and get creative!
TIP: Get an adult to help you attach the sticks, especially when using hot glue – safety first!
1. Prepare the milk carton: First, cut the empty milk carton in half lengthwise. This will give the cress enough room to grow.
2. Attach sticks: Take the wooden sticks and attach them to the outside of the milk carton using hot glue. Take your time and distribute the sticks evenly so that they will later provide stable support for the bed. If you want, you can also colour the sticks creatively or decorate them – after all, it's your little work of art!
1. Prepare the milk carton: First, cut the empty milk carton in half lengthwise. This will give the cress enough room to grow.
2. Attach sticks: Take the wooden sticks and attach them to the outside of the milk carton using hot glue. Take your time and distribute the sticks evenly so that they will later provide stable support for the bed. If you want, you can also colour the sticks creatively or decorate them – after all, it's your little work of art!
3. Create a bed: Line the bottom of the milk carton with cotton wool. Press it down lightly so that the cotton wool is firmly in place. It will later serve as a breeding ground for the cress and ensure that the seeds get enough moisture.
4. Sow the cress: Now spread the cress seeds evenly over the cotton wool and spray them carefully with water. Cress grows quickly, so a small amount of seeds is enough. Remember to check regularly that the cotton wool does not dry out!
5. Care and growth: Now it's time to wait and water daily! The cress garden requires little care, but it should get a little water every day so that the seeds can germinate well.
Your cress garden will be ready to harvest in a few days! Fresh cress on your bread or in your salad – your harvest will not only be delicious, but also grown with a lot of love and creativity.
Your cress garden will be ready to harvest in a few days! Fresh cress on your bread or in your salad – your harvest will not only be delicious, but also grown with a lot of love and creativity.
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