The cold season poses major challenges for trees, as low temperatures, frost and external influences can damage the bark. A particularly effective method of protecting trees from these influences is to use a special tree paint with EM ceramics. This natural paint not only supports bark care, but also provides effective protection against weather damage and pests.
Tree coatings are used to care for and protect the bark, especially in winter. A tree coating with EM Ceramics provides a protective layer that seals cracks in the bark where pests could otherwise easily overwinter. These cracks often also represent entry points for fungi and bacteria that can lead to serious tree diseases. A well-applied tree coating seals such weak points and increases the resistance of the tree. It is recommended that the coating be applied just before winter sets in, to prevent frost damage and other external influences.
The EM ceramic tree paint combines the power of Effective Microorganisms with the positive properties of ceramic powder, whey powder and ultra-fine ZeoBas primary rock dust. The Effective Microorganisms help to strengthen the tree's natural defences by inhibiting the development of pathogens and spores on the bark surface. The ceramic particles and ZeoBas also provide a more stable, moisture-regulating layer that is better able to withstand temperature fluctuations.
The EM ceramic tree paint combines the power of Effective Microorganisms with the positive properties of ceramic powder, whey powder and ultra-fine ZeoBas primary rock dust. The Effective Microorganisms help to strengthen the tree's natural defences by inhibiting the development of pathogens and spores on the bark surface. The ceramic particles and ZeoBas also provide a more stable, moisture-regulating layer that is better able to withstand temperature fluctuations.
The two components are mixed in a 1:1 ratio to form a creamy, spreadable paste. This paste can then be generously applied to the bark of the tree. The best time to apply the paint is in late autumn, so that the tree is optimally prepared for the winter months. The tree paint is also a helpful wound protection after pruning branches, as it protects the cut sites and promotes their healing.
Preparation: Make sure the bark is clean and dry. Remove any loose bark or coarse dirt.
Application: Apply the paste evenly to the trunk and main branches. Pay particular attention to cracks and other damaged areas, as these are especially susceptible to pests and frost.
Repeat as necessary: The coating can be renewed in spring when temperatures rise, depending on requirements.
The EM Ceramic Tree Paint offers a simple and effective method of strengthening the resistance of trees to frost and pests. The nurturing effect on the bark and the protective function for wounds and cracks make this natural coating an indispensable aid for anyone who wants to help their trees stay healthy through the winter.
The EM Ceramic Tree Paint offers a simple and effective method of strengthening the resistance of trees to frost and pests. The nurturing effect on the bark and the protective function for wounds and cracks make this natural coating an indispensable aid for anyone who wants to help their trees stay healthy through the winter.
Discover the best advice from our expert Barbara Enengel for a sustainable home and a flourishing garden in our blog series ‘Multiwissen - Barbaras effektive Tipps für jedes Zuhause’. Whether it's cleaning your home ecologically or transforming your garden into a blooming oasis, Barbara's tips will enrich your everyday life. Stay tuned for inspiring stories and smart life hacks! Barbara Enengel studied agriculture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. She is interested in natural cycles and ecological relationships in nature and in the garden. She is particularly passionate about creating diverse and healthy living spaces for humans, animals and plants, a principle that she enthusiastically implements in her beautifully designed and ecologically managed garden.
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