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Home and garden blog
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Microgreens – fresh greens from the windowsill

These little nutrient packages thrive on almost any windowsill! They add variety to your plate and guarantee fresh greenery even in winter.

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Microgreens – fresh greens from the windowsill

These little nutrient packages thrive on almost any windowsill! They add variety to your plate and guarantee fresh greenery even in winter.

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Winterise your beds – how to get your garden ready for winter!

Autumn is the perfect time to prepare your vegetable patches for next spring. A little effort in the autumn will save you a lot of work in the spring, while also ensuring healthy, nutrient-rich soil. In this article, you will learn how to winterise your vegetable patches and what is particularly important when doing so.

current topics
Winterise your beds – how to get your garden ready for winter!

Autumn is the perfect time to prepare your vegetable patches for next spring. A little effort in the autumn will save you a lot of work in the spring, while also ensuring healthy, nutrient-rich soil. In this article, you will learn how to winterise your vegetable patches and what is particularly important when doing so.

Interesting home-based stories

Your home and garden are your personal paradise. Here you will find useful tips, practical applications and interesting insider stories for your oasis of well-being. An undamaged environment that is pleasant to live in begins outside your front door.

Your home and garden are your personal paradise. Here you will find useful tips, practical applications and interesting insider stories for your oasis of well-being. An undamaged environment that is pleasant to live in begins outside your front door.

Garden & Plants
So it grows in the greenhouse: tips and tricks for optimal conditions

In einem Gewächshaus können Sie Pflanzen das ganze Jahr über in einer kontrollierten Umgebung kultivieren. Um das volle Potenzial auszuschöpfen, gibt es einige Dinge, die Sie beachten sollten. Mit diesen Tipps – einschließlich des Einsatzes effektiver Mikroorganismen nutzen Sie Ihr Gewächshaus optimal.

4 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
Multiknowledge: Terrific lawn care

After all, it is the flowers that make gardeners' hearts beat faster. However, many a greenkeeper prefers a fine, even English lawn, perfectly trimmed with a velvety surface. In this article, Barbara Enengel reveals how you can get your lawn in top shape in an ecological and sustainable way.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
Tips and tricks for a rich tomato harvest

Without a doubt, the (mostly) red fruits are one of the undisputed favourites on the summer plate. To enjoy your own harvest well into the autumn, you need to pay attention to a few things. Our tips will help you keep your tomato plants healthy.

4 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
These tips for shady spots and pond maintenance outshine all others

The sun is merciless, the thermometer rises to over 30°: shady spots offer both us and many plants a welcome respite from the heat - many plants even flourish in the shade. Make the most of the sun-free spots in your garden or on your balcony. We'll tell you which flowers, perennials and shrubs thrive particularly well here. And because a dip in your own pond is also refreshing, you will find tips here on how effective microorganisms can help you keep your pond clear all year round.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
DIY plant lanterns: a simple craft project for children

Today we'll show you how to make beautiful plant lanterns using simple materials. These lanterns are perfect for your next garden party or to brighten up your patio, balcony or room.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
Multi-knowledge: Watch out for the slime trail - slug-free gardening made easy

A splendid garden full of flowering plants and crunchy vegetables is the dream of every hobby gardener. But this dream can quickly turn into a nightmare when slugs and snails feast on the plants that have been painstakingly tended and cared for. Discover practical and sustainable tips in this article that will keep your green oasis slug-free - without any chemicals.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
From summer to winter: The path to a year-round harvest

Even if winter seems a long way off in the summer heat, now is the perfect time to set the course for a rich winter harvest. If you want to enjoy fresh vegetables from your own garden all year round, make sure you choose the right varieties and sowing times. With a little planning and commitment, you can harvest a variety of winter vegetables that cannot be found in the supermarket.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
Drawing from the full: wild herbs in summer

Summertime is harvest time - and not just in the garden. A veritable treasure trove of wild herbs awaits you in meadows, hedgerows and forests, which are available free of charge and in the highest quality right on your doorstep. We will show you how to recognise these herbs and use them creatively in your kitchen.

2 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
Multi-knowledge: Carefree vegetable garden - Effective strategies for pest prevention

A colourful vegetable garden is the pride of every gardener. In this blog post, we show you practical and sustainable strategies for protecting your vegetable plants from pests. From natural defence methods to proven horticultural techniques, we'll show you how to keep your plants strong and resilient.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
Multi-knowledge: Blooming balconies - the best tips for a sea of flowers in your window box

For many people, the balcony is a place to relax - a little oasis of well-being in stressful everyday life. Balcony flowers are a real classic and ensure long-lasting blooms in summer. In this article, you will learn how to plant and care for your flower boxes in a climate-friendly way. Maximising the splendour of your flowers is not rocket science, you'll see!

Flowers on the balcony are a real perennial favourite! They enchant both owners:in and passers-by. With a few tricks and tips, your balcony will also be in full bloom this season.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
This saves you watering the vegetable garden

In summer, plants can survive without watering despite the heat and drought if the soil is well mulched and contains enough life. Bernadette Schützenhofer does without watering all summer and still harvests the best vegetables.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
Your green balcony: an oasis of joie de vivre

With a few simple tips, you can turn your balcony into a little Garden of Eden. Whether you want to harvest fresh vegetables, grow herbs or simply create a place to relax - here are some inspiring ideas for your balcony.

2 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
‘Growth-proof’ future with Effective Microorganisms

By Susanne Schütz and Anne Lorch

When we dream up visions, we discover completely new facets and possibilities. They give us the strength to abandon established and proven habits. Even seemingly absurd fantasies about the future motivate us and help us to create new guidelines and behaviours, even though they seem to completely contradict the current zeitgeist.

4 minutes reading time
Multi-knowledge: Barbara's top ten pond care tips!

To maintain the beauty and natural clarity of a pond, nature is often your best ally! Without using any chemicals, you can create a healthy balance in the pond that not only improves the water quality, but also promotes a natural habitat for animals and plants. Multikraft expert Barbara Enengel shares her tips on pond care with you.

3 minutes reading time
Garden & Plants
Karl Ploberger answers questions

Karl Ploberger's expertise and passion for nature have made him a sought-after advisor. In this interview, he reveals his strategies for caring for his green paradise and protecting it from pests.

3 minutes reading time